International Day
A massive thank you to you, our DPPS parents for your dedicated support for International Day on Thursday 22nd February.
The children looked stunning!!!
Beautiful and colorful cultural outfits representing over 13 countries walked the school corridors in all Key Stages.
The children were bubbling with enthusiasm and excitement, and were loud and proud when sharing their thoughts and aspects of their different cultures in assembly and classrooms.
Thanks also to Sidney and the Nourish kitchen staff for our delicious Peri Peri Chicken that made us want second helpings.
The results for our ‘Design a Diversity Poster’ will be decided next week and the posters from 2 children in each year group will be chosen for recognition in assemblies.
Diversity is embraced at DPPS and it was wonderful to hear how passionate our children felt about the importance of respect, kindness and understanding of each other’s heritage and customs. Thanks again to our DPPS community…. Enjoy the photos.
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- Our Playgrounds
- World Afro Day
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- International Day
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