Deptford Park Statement on Black Lives Matter

Lewisham Leaders stand together to condemn the unlawful murder of an innocent black man, George Floyd in Minneapolis and sadly those other unlawful deaths in America that have followed after, due to racism.

We stand united in our commitment to tackle and challenge racism, address inequality and call out discrimination.

As educators of a school population which is made up of a significant numbers of children and families from Black and ethnic minority communities, we cannot remain silent.

The murder of George Floyd must prompt careful reflection about racism in Britain today, and the extent to which it shapes our values, politics and economic life.  We all have a duty to address systemic racism in our society and uphold this in our united condemnation of the unlawful murder of an innocent black man, George Floyd.

Deptford Park Primary School is a warm and welcoming place for everyone.  Our core values include kindness, integrity and respect – these are at the heart of all we do.  We are always here for you, regardless of your race, sexuality, gender, religion or anything else which makes you, you.

Today and every other day, all of us at Deptford Park stand as one in the belief that racism is an abhorrence that we reject.  Our community needs and deserves to feel safe in the belief that we condemn all acts of racism and violence.





Headteacher Leona Baffour

Deptford Park Primary School
Evelyn Street
London SE8 5RJ

020 8692 4351